I walked from there to the garden I planned, tilled, prepped, planted, cultivated and harvested. Again I was struck by the faces that announced themselves in memory. The camp counselors, an AmeriCorps NCCC team, some friends who came to help, and all the campers who scarfed down cucumber, squash, tomatoes, and anything else, who picked flowers, who challenged me when I explained I had been raised by squash plants in the forest and slept in the goat pen.

The garden this year delivered a variety of fresh veggies to Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center’s kitchen, and countless grazing mouths besides, from campers to visitors to squirrels and rabbits, squash bugs and fire ants and brassica beetles. It was the first garden I planned and implemented independently, and I will always be grateful to both Ferncliff and Energy Corps for that opportunity. This year’s Garden Corps will be doing their training in that garden today, Sept 13, and I hope that like the EcoCenter it will touch many lives for years.